The Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources was founded in 1972 as a cooperative organization between the U.S. Government (U.S. Geological Survey) and industry (petroleum and mining companies) to improve upon scientific communication and exchange of information about geology and natural resources of the Pacific Basin and surrounding land regions.
Fields of Expertise
Cooperating Organizations
American Geological Institute, American Geophysical Union, Board of Earth Sciences, National Research Council (USA), Division of Earth Sciences of the National Science Foundation (USA), Geological Society of America, Canadian Geoscience Council, Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Geological Association of Canada, Division of Earth Sciences of the National Science Foundation (USA), Geological Society of America, Geological Survey of Canada, United States Geological Survey, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists (USA), Mineralogical Association of Canada
Central America. Centro de Investigaciones Geotecnicas (El Salvador), Consejo de Recursos Minerales (Mexico), Divisao de Geologia, Instituto Geografico Militar (Guatemala)
Association Geologica Argentina, Centro de Investigaciones Geotecnicas (El Salvador), Divisao de Geologia e Mineralogia (Brazil), Instituto Geologico Minero y Metalurgico (INGEMMET) (Peru), Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Geologico-Mineras (Colombia), Ministero de Recursos Naturales y Energeticos (Ecuador), Secretaria de Recursos Naturales (Honduras), Servicio Geologico de Bolivia, Servicio Nacional de Geologia y Mineria (Chile), Pan American Institute of Geography and History
Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Australian Institute of Energy, Australian Petroleum Exploration Association, Bureau of Mineral Resources (Australia), Geological Society of Australia, Geological Society of New Zealand, Inc, New Zealand Geological Survey, Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia
British Geological Survey, Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (Federal Republic of Germany), Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres (France), The Geological Society (UK), The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy (UK), Servizio Geologico d'Italia (Italy), Rijks Geologische Dienst (Netherlands), Norwegian Petroleum Society, Geological Survey of India, Indonesian Petroleum Association
Bureau of Energy Development (Philippines), Bureau of Mines and Geo-Sciences (Philippines), Chinese Society of Petroleum Geologists (China), Committee for Co-Ordination of Joint Prospecting for Mineral Resources in Asian Offshore Areas (CCOP), Committee for Co-Ordination of Joint Prospecting for Mineral Resources in South Pacific Offshore Areas (CCOP/SOPAC), Department of Mineral Resources (Thailand), Geological Survey of Japan, Geothermal Research Society of Japan, Institute of Geology (China), Scientific Research Institute for Petroleum Exploration and Development (China), Geological Society of Japan, Geological Society of the Philippines, Korean Institute of Energy and Resources (KIER), Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, Survey Department (Brunei Darussalam), East-West Center, Pacific Science Association, Department of Geology, Mines and Rural Water Supplies (Vanuatu)